Prologue: Megan and Claire
(who is married and going through a rough time in her relationship) were caught
making out by Megan’s boss who also happens to be Claire’s father.
Three months had
passed since Megan had seen Claire. Not a single day went by when she didn’t
think about Claire and what had happened between them. Her boss did not give
her much grief for what he saw that day, he simply wanted his daughter to be
happy. When he found out about his son in law consistently cheating on his
daughter, he urged Claire to file for a divorce as they had already tried
counselling but there were no improvements in their relationship whatsoever.
After the
divorce got finalized Claire decided to travel and put the past behind her. Megan
on the other hand was left with more questions than answers. She wanted to know
how Claire felt about what happened between them but Claire didn’t want to deal
with the things that had happened that day. She asked Megan to give her some
time to sort her life out and figure a few things out on her own.
It was a dark
cloudy day and Megan reached work feeling already tired and lazy, she sat at
her desk going through her files taking twice as much time it would usually
take her. Her assistant called her up to inform regarding a meeting being held
in the next 1 hour. Megan was in no mood to attend but she were informed that major
announcements will made during the meeting, making it compulsory for all
managers to attend. She gathered her files, checked her e-mail and went through
her phone to see if she had any important texts and finally got up and left for
the meeting.
All managers
were gathering in the conference room, every department head was present and
they all seem to be gossiping about something. Megan turned to Mr. Winslow who
was the head of billing and asked him what was going on and what the sudden
meeting was all about.
“I heard a new
CFO has been appointed. All our departments are going to be under the new guy,
I hope it’s not some smartass from Harvard or Yale, I hate those ego maniacs.”
At that moment
Megan realized the position was previously occupied by Claire’s ex-husband, it
was obvious why he might have gotten fired.
Mr. Winslow
continued, “I heard Ed was having an affair with his secretary, some cliché huh?
His wife found out and kicked his cheating ass out the house. Good for her, woman don’t need men like him,
even more so when they are hot like her.”
Megan felt angry
at his remark about Claire being hot. She didn’t like the idea of other people
fantasizing about Claire. On the other had she was confused why she felt that
way, she and Claire only had one encounter and they barely got to talk after. She
had no clue why her feelings were getting so strong towards Claire, why she
felt the need to be with Claire.
Megan was so
lost in thought that she did not realize that her boss had already started the
meeting. She cleared her head and tried to focus on what was being discussed.
“I want to thank
you all for making time to attend this meeting, I have an important and good
news to share with all of you, as you all know that our CFO Mr. Ed Hooper has
left the organization and the reasons for the same are known to you all, but
putting all that in the past we will move forward and in order to do that we
need a new CFO.”
All the
employees were looking at Mr. Theodor as he explained the reason for the
meeting. He paused for a moment, smiled and continued to speak,
“I am more than
pleased to introduce our new CFO” he pauses again and points at the door which
was right across him, “my daughter, Claire.”
Megan could not
believe what she was hearing, her heart suddenly started to beat faster, she
was not sure if should turn around and look. It had been three months since she
had seen Claire, but her face remained fresh in Megan’s memory. Everyone
started applauding as Claire entered the room, she walked to the podium where
her father stood and hugged him. Megan
was still not sure what to do, she started staring at her files, afraid to lift
her head up and see Claire.
“Claire is more
than qualified for the job and has worked with us in the past as most of you
are aware of. She needed a break but now she is back to take over her
responsibilities.” Continued Mr. Theodor.
“Thank you
father for the kind words. I hope that all of you would enjoy working with me
and hopefully I would get to learn a lot from your experiences too.” Claire
spoke softly but confidently.
Hearing Claire’s
voice Megan could not stop herself from lifting her head and looking right at
Claire. To her surprise Claire was looking right back at her, she looked
lovely, her cheeks had a rosy blush on them, and she had this contagious
naughty smile on her face that made Megan smile too. They both stared into each other eyes
disregarding the people around them, lost in their own little world.
Mr. Theodor
started speaking again, “Claire will be taking care of many departments which
include accounts, logistics, IT, finance and strategy. I expect all the
department heads to work closely with Claire and get her up to date with the
current activities.”
Claire diverted
her attention to the rest of the employees and said, “My assistant will be in
touch with all of you regarding a one on one sessions with each department head.”
She looked at Megan with that devilish smile and said, “I will begin with the
strategy department, I hope that’s ok Megan?”
At that point
Megan was dumbfounded and could only nod her head in response to the question
directed at her.
The meeting was
dismissed and Claire was greeted by all the employees, she shook everyone’s
hand and finally turned towards Megan. The smile on her face was driving Megan
crazy, she wanted to kiss those lips, those red luscious lips, teasing her. She
didn’t realize she was staring at Claire’s lips until Claire intentionally
licked them slowly with her tongue. Megan looked at Claire with surprise, she
had to control the urge to grab Megan and kiss her hard instead she just shook
Claire’s hand and looked away.
Once everyone
left the meeting room Claire asked her assistant to arrange the first meeting
with Megan. She wanted to sort out their situation but wasn’t sure how. After
meeting Megan her life had turned upside down, more than her marriage falling
apart she had thought about Megan on her trip abroad. Her brain and heart
struggled to figure out why she felt so attracted to Megan, was it just sex?
But if it was that, then she wouldn’t have missed Megan the way she did in the
last three months.
Up until she met Megan there was no doubt in her mind that
she was straight but now she wasn’t sure anymore. The way she felt for Megan
was stronger and more passionate than she had ever felt for any guy. Claire
struggled for months trying to figure it out and finally gave up and came back
home. Her decision to work with her father again was inspired only to get close
to Megan and she simply didn’t understand why she was acting like a teenager, acting
irrational and childish, wanting to be with Megan in one moment and in the
other wanting to run away.
Claire stood in
her office, near the window, staring at the empty sky when she heard a knock on
the door.
“Come in” she
said without turning.
“You wanted to
see me?” It was Megan.
Claire let out
an audible sigh, her mind was racing, and she turned around and looked right at
“Yes, I wanted
to discuss some things with you, please have a seat” Claire said pointing at
the sofa in her sitting area.
Megan had a few
questions of her own she wanted to ask Claire but wasn’t sure if this was the
right place or time to ask them. She sat across Claire and stared at the floor,
her hands clutching on the files she was carrying. Claire was the first one to
“How have you
Megan didn’t
know what to say, should she tell Claire how much she missed her, how much she
thought about her, about them. She feared Claire might not want to talk or see
her again if she wasn’t comfortable with that discussion so she avoided it
altogether and replied, “I’ve seen
better days. How was your trip?”
“It was ok. Meg,
may I call you Meg?” she continued without waiting for Megan to reply, “I do
not want to beat around the bush, I was very vulnerable that day when we first
met and what happened between us…. Though I do not regret it, can’t happen
again. I am straight, at least I think I am, and I can’t get into a
relationship with you without being 100% sure myself.”
Hearing the word
“relationship” a smile spread across Megan’s face, now she knew that it wasn’t
just her who was thinking about that day. She realized Claire had given an
equal amount of thought to it. Claire saw the smile on Megan’s face and
couldn’t help but smile herself. She got up from her seat and sat next to
“Why are you
smiling?” she asked.
“I just feel
happy that I wasn’t the only one going crazy thinking about what happened. I
knew you were going through a rough time and figured I would be the last thing
on your mind. But I am glad you are thinking about it, I mean about us. You can
take as much time as you need and when you are ready to discuss it further, I
will be right here.”
Claire felt
relieved and happy at Megan’s remark. In her excitement she kissed Megan on the
cheek, but the moment she realized what had happened she felt embarrassed and
her own cheeks turned red. Megan on the other hand was enjoying the red blush
on Claire’s face and decided to further brighten it by kissing Claire on the
cheek, very slowly and gently.
“I hope we can
be friends. There are a lot of things that I want to know about you and about
being gay, and for some reason I feel very comfortable talking to you. There is
no one else I can share these feelings with.” Claire said with a sweet smile on
her face.
“Sure, I am here
for you. Was this all you wanted to talk about?” Megan asked.
“Mostly yes, I
didn’t want you to think that I misused you under certain circumstances. What
happened between us meant something to me, it made me realize things that I
didn’t know about myself. I also realized that I really like you, but I am not
sure about all of this at this moment in time.” Claire clarified.
“So you are
asking me to wait for you?” Megan asked again.
“I guess in a
way. But I would understand if you didn’t want to.”
“I can wait,
what happened between us meant something to me too. If you don’t mind can I
suggest something?”
“Sure, go ahead”
“Instead of
running away from me and trying to figure things out by yourself maybe you
should spend more time with me. It might help you realize things faster before
anyone gets emotionally attached or something.”
“You mean like
date you?”
“Yes, like
dating, we can go out, watch a movie, have dinner and you can get to know me
better. I can even take you to some rad lesbian clubs” Megan winked at Claire
making her giggle. “It might help sort out your reservations about being gay
too and most importantly I won’t have to stay away from you.”
Claire was
starting to like the idea, she thought there was no harm in going out with
Megan, then why the hell not.
“But no funny
business!” Claire announced with a huge grin on her face.
“Well that’s a
grey area, we can discuss it over dinner tonight.” Megan responded acting cool.
They both
laughed and suddenly the atmosphere in the room had changed, it no longer felt
heavy and cloudy but more casual and friendly.
“Alright then,
I’ll be leaving now, be ready at 8, will come get you for dinner” Megan said
will getting ready to leave.
“I’ll be
waiting” Claire said, smiling uncontrollably.
They went on
with their work but the time didn’t seem to go fast enough. Both of them kept
looking at their watches waiting for the hand to strike 8. Even while working
Megan couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation she had with Claire. The
way it began scared Megan, she thought Claire might never accept things and try
to avoid being around her altogether. But by the end of it they both were happy
how things turned out, it didn’t seems complicated at all.
Finally it was
8, Megan packed her stuff and ran towards the elevator. She pressed the button
and waited. Even waiting for the elevator seemed to bother Megan, she wanted to
be with Claire again and anything that came in the way of it annoyed her. The
elevator doors opened and Megan was more than happy to see Claire in it.
“I thought I was
going to pick you up” Megan said while getting in the elevator.
“I figured it
would be faster if I came to you” Claire replied.
The both were
smiling from ear to ear and it seemed almost familiar for them to be together
as a couple. They stood there in silence, looking everywhere except each other.
The sexual tension was as clear as day but neither of them wanted to do
something that might scare the other person off. They finally reached the
ground floor, Claire’s driver was waiting for her at the entrance with the car.
They decided to
go to an Italian restaurant near the lake, it was a quiet place with in house
music. They took the corner table near the balcony overlooking the lake, the
full moon was visible in the clear sky. Everything about the restaurant
screamed romantic, their dining room had beautiful flowers in each corner,
beautiful female servers, soft violin played by an artist.
Megan would peek
from her menu to look at Claire and every time she did, Claire was staring
right back at her. They were acting like teenagers on their first date. They
ordered some red wine and food. They got along well, their conversations were
meaningful and funny. They had no idea how the time went by and it was almost
time to leave.
Claire offered
to drop Megan off at her home and Megan readily agreed. They talked throughout
the drive home and still didn’t seem to get enough of one another. The car
stopped in front of Megan’s building, they said their good byes and Megan
almost left the car but suddenly turned back and asked Claire if she could get
a goodnight kiss. Claire just stared at Megan without giving any response,
Megan moved in and kissed Claire’s lips. She lingered on them for a few minutes,
sucking on Claire’s lower lip and then moved back a little and tried to assess
Claire’s reaction.
The moment their
lips had met a huge bolt of electricity went through Claire’s body. She held
Megan’s face in her palms and pulled her closer for another kiss. This time the
kiss was more intense, more passionate. Claire was kissing more aggressively,
she even bit on Megan’s lower lip hard enough to leave a mark. Their lips
parted and tongues started exploring, it was getting intense. Finally Claire
let go in order to catch their breath but her hands were still on Megan’s
cheeks. She was enjoying the warmth of Megan’s skin, it felt good to be so
close to her, to be able to kiss her if she wanted, bite and nibble on those
soft lips. Claire stole one last short kiss and finally let go of Megan. Eventually
Megan got out of the car and headed towards her apartment, she had a huge grin
on her face, and she recapped the entire day in her mind which made her realize
that she hadn’t felt this good in a long time.
A week had
passed, both Megan and Claire were enjoying getting to know each other. They
would meet every day for lunch and sometimes for dinner. Claire was starting to
realize that she liked being with Megan, the feelings were undefinable. Initially
she thought it was just the physical attraction but later came to realize that
even when they weren’t having sex or kissing, she simply loved being with Megan.
The way she talked, smiled, looked at Claire, everything she did made Claire
skip a heartbeat. Claire even started having wet dreams about them. One of her
dreams even involved restraints and a paddle, but that wasn’t even the weird
part, the weird part was that Claire saw herself as the dominant. She had
always enjoyed being the passive one in bed, but Megan had awoken some strong
feelings in Claire that she no longer could contain, even more so after having
the vivid dream. She decided to call Megan home for dinner that night, hoping
to get her hands on Megan’s sexy body.
Megan had
graciously accepted the invitation and offered to bring wine. The moment Claire
invited her the first thought in Megan’s mind was sex. She knew they were going
to be alone, without any restrictions, it would be very difficult to control themselves
from getting physical. She decided to be prepared either way, so she got home
and took a long shower. Megan usually preferred wearing tomboyish clothes, but
today decided to wear a dress. Her body was petite but she had curves in all
the right places. She wore light makeup and got ready to leave. Claire had sent
the driver to pick her up, he was waiting in front of Megan’s building.
Claire was
jumping around the house trying to get everything ready. She had prepared
Italian cuisine for her dinner date with Megan. She couldn’t sit or stand still
due to all the excitement and anticipation for tonight’s date. She was in her
bedroom checking herself in the mirror one last time before Megan arrived. Unlike
Megan she decided to wear jeans and a casual t-shirt. She checked her night
stand to make sure the handcuffs were in place. Claire had been to a sex toy
shop before coming home to get all the things she needed for tonight. Along
with the handcuffs she bought a blind fold, a soft paddle, a strap on with an 8
inch vibrator, cherry flavored lube and some liquid dark chocolate. It was
going to be a long night and Megan had no idea what was going to happen.
After a long
wait Megan finally arrived, Claire greeted her with a peck on both cheeks. They
sat in the living room and opened the bottle of wine Megan got for them. Claire
severed a plate of cheese and fruits to go with the wine. They sat facing each
other on the huge couch, sipping their wine and discussing their day. After
half an hour or so they decided to have dinner, Claire lead the way to the dining
room. They ate and talked about a lot of things including Megan’s ex-
girlfriends and Claire’s ex- boyfriends. They felt really comfortable sharing
their life stories with each other. After dinner they went back to the living
room and sat on the couch really close to each other having their tiramisu
chocolate mousse. While eating Claire said something funny which made Claire
smudge a little of the mousse on the corner of her lips. She was about to clean
it when Claire stopped and asked if she could do it instead.
She placed her
dessert on the coffee table and leaned in towards Megan. She licked the
chocolate off with her tongue then placed her hand on the other side of Megan’s
cheek to turn her head so Megan’s lips would be directly in front of hers. She
kissed Megan softly, tasting the sweetness and feeling the softness on warmth
of her lips. Since Megan still had her dessert in her hand she couldn’t hold on
to Claire and kiss her harder. Claire sensed the slight awkwardness and paused
for a second to let Megan free her hands. Claire quickly grabbed Megan’s face
again with her palm and pulled her in closer for an aggressive kiss. Megan was
a little surprised by Claire’s approach but was enjoying it none the less. Claire
started sucking on Megan’s lower lip, she would suck hard then gently bite
before letting go of the lip. Their tongues started exploring, Megan started
sucking on Claire’s tongue but Claire wanted to take control, so she pulled her
tongue out and then darted it back in Megan’s mouth catching her off guard and
taking control of Megan’s tongue. She sucked Megan’s tongue into her own mouth
and slowly started sucking and occasionally biting. After 15- 20 minutes they
paused to take a breath, both were smiling at each other devilishly.
“I am surprised
to see your enthusiasm today” Megan said to Claire.
“What can I say,
you make me go crazy” Claire responded which made Megan blush a little.
“Megan, I wasn’t
sure before about us, but after spending the last week with you I have come to
realize that I truly have feelings for you, very strong feelings!” Claire
continued talking. “I want us to be together, as a couple, I want to take
things further with you, would you be my girlfriend?”
“Oh Claire, you
have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words from you. I would love
to be your girlfriend!!!” Megan said pulling Claire in for a hug.
“I want you
Megan!” Claire said with desperation, “I have been burning up thinking about
you, it excites me so much when I am around you; please let me make love to you.”
Megan responded
by pulling Claire in for another passionate kiss. Their kisses were getting
more aggressive and hungry. They were wrapped up in each others arms, pulling
each other as close as possible. Claire pulled away for a moment and asked
Megan “Do you trust me?” Megan responded with a nod. Claire stood up and pulled Megan up with her.
“Come with me” she said. She took Megan to her bedroom and closed the door behind
them. They stood near the bed and Claire started taking off Megan’s dress. She
unzipped it and pulled it over Megan’s body. Claire started kissing Megan’s
shoulders while holding her in tightly from behind. She whispered in Megan’s
ear, “I am going to blind fold you now, I hope its ok?” Megan couldn’t speak a
word, she simply nodded. Claire pulled out the blind fold from the drawer next
to the bed. She tied it around Megan’s eyes without turning her around. Claire
guided Megan to the center of the bed and laid her down on her back. She got on
top of Megan and started kissing her neck and massaging her breasts over the
bra. She was still wearing all her clothes but had stripped Megan to her bra
and panties. Claire kissed Megan behind her ears and sucked on her ear lobes
softly. She whispered again,” Can I tie your hands to the bed?” Megan was still
speechless but nodded hesitantly.
Claire abruptly
got off the bed and took out the handcuffs from the night stand. She carefully
tied Megan’s hand above her head to the bed and gave her a small peck on the
cheek. Megan was getting really wet with anticipation, none of her previous
girlfriends had ever dominated her, this was an entirely new feeling for her
and surprisingly she was loving it. She called out for Claire “What are you up
to, I had no idea you could be this naughty”. Claire got on top of Megan again
and said “I had no idea either, but tonight we both are about to find out”
Megan could feel Claire’s naked skin against her body. She couldn’t see but knew
Claire took off her clothes. Claire started teasing Megan again, this time she
kissed Megan’s lips first, sucked on them hard and licked them. Then she
started licking Megan’s neck and sucking on the wet trail, she came down to
Megan’s collar bone and started licking and sucking hard on it. It was driving
Megan crazy, she was wiggling under Claire trying to make her stop.
But Claire was
in the mood to have her way, she kept licking and sucking to her hearts
content. Finally she decided to stop assaulting the collar bone and focus her
attention on Megan’s breasts. With Megan’s help she took off the bra and gently
licked around Megan’s nipples, making sure she doesn’t touch the nipple. Claire
kissed Megan’s breasts all over but made sure she avoided the nipple, she
wanted to save the best part for last. Megan on the other hand was getting
impatient, she tried moving so her nipple would come in contact with Claire’s
warm lips but Claire kept teasing. Claire kissed and licked between Megan’s
breasts, then she took one nipple in her mouth making Megan gasp. She started
sucking slowly, her hand was massaging the other breast and pinching the
nipple. She alternated between sucking and biting Megan’s nipple. She repeated
the same with the other nipple driving Megan crazy. Megan’s moans were getting
louder, she wanted to grab Claire and kiss her hard but her hands were tied. Claire
got up for a moment and was back again, suddenly Claire felt something cold and
liquid dripping on her breasts.
“Ahh, that’s
cold, what is it?” Megan asked.
“Its dark
chocolate baby, just relax and enjoy” Claire responded.
Claire squeezed
more chocolate on the breasts and kept the bottle aside, she started licking
the breasts again, the chocolate had spread all over Megan’s breast, neck and
stomach. Claire licked all over, some places she would put more pressure on her
tongue while she licked, and some places she sucked instead of licking. She
kept going lower until she reached between Megan’s legs. Out of nowhere she
spanked Megan’s clit making her gasp sharply. She giggled and continued kissing
Megan’s legs. Sucking on her inner thighs, licking and biting them. Megan was
getting impatient, she wanted Claire to lick in between her legs; she was
yearning for it. Claire could sense her partner’s urgency and decided to give
her some relief. She spread Megan’s legs apart further and got really close to
her pussy. She licked Megan’s clit with the tip of her tongue making Megan quiver
and moan. Claire placed her hands under Megan’s knees and raised her legs from
the bed giving her more access.
Claire placed
her mouth on Megan’s clit and started sucking on it. She would switch between
sucking, licking and sometimes biting. All the teasing and foreplay had already
bought Megan too close, she was screaming in pleasure. Claire applied a little
more pressure while sucking the clit making Megan cum hard in her mouth. She
was persistently sucking while Megan felt the orgasm hit her hard.
Megan begged
Claire to stop, which eventually Claire did. But she wasn’t done yet, since
Megan’s clit was very sensitive at the moment she left it alone and
concentrated her attention on penetrating her pussy. First she slid her tongue
inside and licked the walls within, then started fucking Megan slowly with her
tongue. Her motions were slow and deep, she would occasionally suck on Megan’s
pussy lips too. Megan could feel her orgasm building up again, she was
breathing so heavily her lips kept getting dry. She moaned and screamed
Claire’s name when she bit her. Claire could feel Megan getting aroused again,
she took her tongue out and replaced it with two fingers, her tongue worked on
Megan’s clit again.
Claire was
sucking and fucking Megan at the same time. Her fingers were working faster and
harder with each moan that escaped Megan’s lips. Megan was so wet that Claire
had no problems sliding one more finger inside. She filled Megan up with three
fingers and maintained her fast and hard pace. Claire built a rhythm where she
would pump her fingers in three time and then curl them up inside Megan’s
pussy. Every time she curled her fingers, it hit Megan’s G-spot making her
quiver and gasp. Claire was driving Megan crazy with her fingers and relentless
licking and sucking of the clit. Megan felt her orgasm closing in, but she
didn’t realize how hard it was going to hit her. Claire pushed her over the
edge by inserting one more finger inside. Megan came hard, her whole body was
shivering as waves of pleasure went through it; it took a few minutes for her
to come down from that high.
Claire went up
to Megan and removed her blind fold and handcuff’s. Megan took this opportunity
to pull Claire to her and kiss her hard. She rolled her over and got on top of
her, kissing her passionately. Claire didn’t think Megan would have the
strength to do anything after the mind shattering orgasm she just had, but
Megan proved her wrong. All the teasing and fucking had filled Megan with lust
and passion which Claire was about to witness.
Megan took
control of Claire’s mouth, her tongue was exploring and fucking it. Megan
didn’t want to wait any longer, she wanted to be inside Claire. She raised
Claire’s hands above her head and handcuffed them. With one leg she spread
Claire’s legs apart and started massaging her pussy. Her mouth was still
sucking on Claire’s, and her hand rubbing her clit vigorously. She let go of
Claire’s mouth for a moment and sucked on her neck leaving a hickey. She licked
her neck all the way up to her ear lobes and sucked on them copying Claire.
“Do you want me
to spank you? You have been a very naughty girl today” Megan whispered in
Claire’s ear.
“Yes please”
Claire begged.
Megan instantly
spanked Claire’s clit, softly at first, with every spank she applied more
pressure and hit harder. After 5-6 spanks she roughly slid 2 fingers inside
Claire, taking her by surprise. She started sucking on Claire’s lips again
while her fingers fucked the hell out of Claire’s pussy. She was fucking Claire
hard and fast, penetrating deeply with each thrust. Before she could insert
another finger inside Claire’s orgasm hit her. Claire was breathing hard inside
Megan’s mouth, her body was shaking with pleasure. Megan let of Claire’s mouth
once the orgasm subsided. She un-cuffed her hands and embraced her.
Both Claire and
Megan were exhausted, but the lust and urge had not subsided.
“I had more
things planned, but you drained the energy right out of me” Claire managed to
“What else did
you have in mind?” Megan asked while nibbling on Claire’s neck.
“I got a strap
on, with an 8 inch vibrator.” Claire giggled and replied.
“Oh, that sounds
promising. How about you rest up a little and then I ravage you with it.” Said
“Alright, you
rest with me too, ok” said Claire.
Claire slept in
Megan’s arms, their bodies were intertwined, still naked.
Claire woke up
in the middle of the night feeling something wet between her legs. She opened
her eyes and rubbed them to see clearly. She saw Megan sitting in between her
legs, wearing the strap on and squeezing the lube on Claire’s pussy.
“I was about to
wake you up” Megan said with a grin on her face.
“Doesn’t look
like it” Claire responded laughing.
“Well what can I
say, sleeping next to you, our naked bodies rubbing against each other was
driving me crazy, and I had to do something.” Megan explained.
“What are you
waiting for then, fuck me already” Claire said pulling Megan closer and kissing
Megan placed
Claire’s legs on her shoulder and started sliding the vibrator in. She thrust
harder the second time forcing 3 inches to go in then leaned a little towards Claire
and pushed it in even further. She withdrew the whole thing out and gave one
hard thrust making Claire scream. Slowly she developed a rhythm and was pounding
Claire harder and faster. Megan let go of Claire’s legs and got on top of her,
she kissed and sucked on Claire’s neck. Her hips were moving steadily and
slowly now, penetrating deeper inside Claire, while she sucked on her lips.
paused for a moment and turned the vibrations on, then thrust the strap on
inside Claire again. Claire was digging her fingers on Megan’s back, trying to
pull her closer, fill her up deeper. Megan’s breasts were rubbing up against
Claire’s, their nipples were getting hard. Megan increased her pace, she was
enjoying the friction and vibration of the strap-on against her clit. They
could feel their orgasm building up, which made them more aggressive. Claire’s
orgasm hit first, she could feel the pleasure go through her entire body.
Listening to her moan and scream, Megan came too, she pumped even harder while
After the orgasm
subsided Megan got off Claire and laid next to her, she pulled her in for a hug
and kissed her lips softly.
“I hope you
enjoyed” She asked Claire.
“Mmmmhmmmmm more
than enjoyed.” Claire replied.
“I will let you
sleep now” Megan said kissing Claire on the forehead. “But I can’t promise I
won’t wake you up again in the morning with an orgasm” she added with a wink
and a grin on her face.
“I would
actually love that” Claire replied and hugged Megan hard.
crisp, sensual, erotic..!! way to go Author