Sunday, 29 January 2012

Lesbians = Humans

I would like to ask one question to all the people who believe in religion, who believe in God, who believe in humanity, is it ok for you to just sit back and watch the LGBT community suffer? Is it ok that we kill ourselves in vain and in depression because you think that its against the religion to be gay? Can anyone justify it.

Its just sad and painful that people say things have changed, that we are civilized and have rights but at the same time these rights aren't for the LGBT community. They tell us that we have the right to live and at the same time kill us for who we are. Who gave them the right to decide what's right and whats wrong, who made them God? that they think killing, beating up and bullying lesbian and gay people is the right thing to do.

There was a time when two people from different races or religions couldn't be together, because the society wouldn't except it. Just replace the word "race" or "religion" with homosexuality, its the same story but different characters. People are scared of everything which is different from them, but this cannot be used as an excuse to discriminate anyone. We are society, we people of all religion, race & sexuality combine together to form a society. Its not a decision which can be made by an individual, we as a society make decisions. And no society can say that its wrong to love someone no matter which race they belong to or religion or gender.

Ever since gay  people started coming out, they have been tortured, bullied, beaten up and even killed. Just because we are different??... How are we different, is the color of our blood not red, don't we breathe oxygen, aren't we Humans? What is it that makes us different from any other human. NOTHING..!!!! We are Humans and we all are alike, people don't have the right to judge or discriminate us based on who we sleep with. Isn't it against humanity, that this violent behavior is justified  just because some people think that being gay is a sin. Well its about time these people open their eyes and except the reality.

If there are 2 people who say that gay-ism is a sin there will be 4 people who will embrace themselves for being gay. We are humans and we will fight for equality, we will fight for what we believe in, we will fight for freedom, and we will WIN, if not today then tomorrow.

Say NO to discrimination
Say NO to Bullying
Say NO to Homophobia

Coz we are HUMANS and we have the right to Live and Love.

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1 comment:

  1. with reference to the article mentioned above
