Tuesday, 1 May 2012

So What !! ..... Im still a Rock Star

Who am I?? Am I a lesbian...... am I straight.... am I a Muslim... am I a Hindu.... a Christian or a Jew...... Am I white.... African - American....Asian.... Indian... Who am I?? When God decided to send me to earth and be a part of the human society why didn't he ask what I wanted. Why didn't he give me the option to choose who I want to be. Why didn't he let me pick my origin, my race, my caste, my gender? Why? Why did he make these decisions for me. Because God knows what's best for us, he knows what is right and what is wrong. Then who gave the right to humans to decide what is right and what's wrong. Which race is superior and which isn't. Which caste is right and which is wrong. Who made these people "God" to decide that being who we are is wrong and unholy. Money..??.... Power...?? do these things really give you the right to judge someone and make decisions for them. No.. they don't.... they don't give you shit!!

Only God has the power to decide what is wrong and what is right, and if God made us like this then it is not possible that being who we are is wrong. Coz God choose us to be this way, and God can't be wrong. I am a religious and God fearing person and there wasn't a day that went by in which I hadn't thought about what I was doing and if it was right or wrong. Even before I was born, God had planned my life, he had gifted me with family and friends, and choose everything for me, he planned my life and in that life he choose for me to be gay, to be a lesbian, to be a homosexual. And I accept it, I accept what God choose for me. I am not blaming God, nobody can, coz he knows what is right for us and what isn't. This is the reason why Im not going to let any human decide otherwise. Just because some people don't understand why God made us like this, we cant allow them to deny our identity or change ourselves from who we really are. Its not easy to find out who we are in the first place, and on top of that trying to seek approval from our parents, from our friends and from the society is ridiculous.

Ive spent years wondering who I am. Ever since I was a kid I felt that something was missing in my life, something was incomplete and uncertain. I tried hard to find out what it was but failed every time.  I asked God if something was wrong with me, but I never got any answers. I had friends and family who loved me, everything was great but something was missing. What was it, and why wasn't I able to find it. This continued till I was in my early twenties when I found out something bout myself which surprised me. I started realizing that I wasn't interested in men at all. I was unable to love them more than just friends. I started to think.... why? is something wrong with me..?? am I sick..?? or maybe Im just meant to be alone. But soon enough I found all the answers to my questions.... even the ones which I thought would never be answered. I started understanding the reason for my deep interest in women and why they intrigued me so much. Since I wasn't exposed much to the term homosexuality I had no clue as to why I was so attracted to women. So I started thinking and analyzing myself and my feelings. They weren't temporary attractions or infatuations which would come and go. They were feelings which were strong and deep. They were in no way related to sex or lust. They were strong emotions of love.

The instant I came to the realization that I love women and that Im homosexual, everything came to order. Everything started making sense. Being with a women made me feel complete, made me feel loved and that I belonged here. My believe in God grew stronger and stronger each day ever since. I had finally understood God's message and the reason why he sent me here...to love and be loved. It doesn't matter who you love, which cast they belong to, which gender, which society. Just Love and love more coz life is too short to be wasted on hating someone. It doesn't matter who you are, straight or gay, rich or poor, white or black...... love will find you. Once you accept that love is everything and to be loved by someone is the most amazing thing that can happen to you.... you will find heaven on earth...... Like I did.

Movies for this week:

Sunday, 25 March 2012

The one that got away

In every person's life there is a special someone, someone who have the power  to change everything, to make everything beautiful and worthwhile. We wait all our lives for this special someone and wonder how and when we will find them. But the thing you fail to realize is that this special someone might be right in front of you and you might have not even noticed. The weirdest part is that we find this out when we loose them. Why is that we don't appreciate what we have until we loose it. Its just because we are too afraid of everything. Afraid of our feelings, our emotions, the world, people and their thinking..... but do these things even matter......... I don't think so.

Love is a beautiful feeling but we make it so complicated without any reason. There is no such thing as perfect Love. So its no use waiting for it or expecting it in your relationship. Love is pure, innocent and divine, it might have a few ups and downs but its part of deal. If you think that one day you will find a perfect girl and fall in love and live happily ever after............ that's not happening........ Its better u realize it now and wake up from this dream. The truth of the matter is that you will find someone who will change your world, who will fill your life with so much love and passion that the rest of the things wont even matter. All that will matter is that she is with you and your happy. There is no specific place or time where you will find love. So stop looking, you will find love in places you never even bothered looking. Sometimes people get so involved in their fantasy world that they don't appreciate what they have, until they loose it and then think that they had what they wanted all along, if only they knew.

So don't waste time, stop looking around, love what u have today and fall in love with it over and over again. Life is too short for anything but it doesn't mean we have to rush. Just slow down and look around you there are so many beautiful things, beautiful people.... beautiful life.... live it today as there is no tomorrow. I've seen many lesbians falling in love and out of love in a very short time. We get into relationships too soon and get out of them even sooner. Just take it slow, take your time to know the person to absorb everything and then move ahead instead of rushing it and then breaking up. Make mistakes, but learn from them too. Because there is no perfect life.... you have to make the most of what you have. Stop waiting to fall in Love..... coz it will find you no matter where you are.... and change your world forever.

Movies for this week:


Sunday, 4 March 2012

"Women" - Misunderstood

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I am back again with yet another hot topic. Before I begin it is important to know that this blog is completely dedicated to all sorts of women in the society irrespective of their sexual preferences because as women we all are one.

The matter at hand is the misrepresentation of the women in the media and the society. Since media is a powerful tool which can be used to send various messages across through various means, isn't it important to use it wisely. Today media is everywhere, we can run but we cant hide from it. A minimum of 8 hours is spent by a person on various means of media like newspaper, TV, internet etc. Thus it becomes important to make sure that what is being served through these medias is right by all means and does not misrepresent anyone or anything. But this is not something which is being observed at the moment. Today media violates every rule in every manner possible. At some points it has found to be helpful, but when money gained power over knowledge things changed.

Today in the Indian Television and Cinema we can find various examples of how women are misrepresented and misused by the media. Almost every daily soap has various kinds of women which misrepresent the actual Indian women in the society. I agree that there are different kinds of women in the society, but it doesn't mean that they all have the same identity. We cannot judge a women by just one trait. But the media doesn't seem to understand this. The amazing part is that women don't even realize how they are being controlled by media. Their minds are manipulated and their thinking restrained. Only a few women seem to understand this and are willing to fight till they get justice.

Women have been misunderstood all these years. Since the time we all came into existence. Firstly we were treated as slaves and child bearing machines, then as a measure to entertain the egos of men, as a low lives whose existence completely revolves around men. The potential of women have been underestimated long enough. Its about time we rise and fight for equality, justice and the rights that we deserve. According to men and the media we are equal but I don't feel that way. The Indian society still treats men as the superior human being leaving us to where we started from. Today is the age of women, we out number men in quantity, we out smart them and we build the nation. But the sad part is we don't realize our importance which has actually helped the media to misguide us and make us believe that without a man we are nothing.

We have excelled in every field be it politics, science, business etc. we know what we are capable of doing but we don't have the right support, we don't have the freedom. Today no matter who you are or how successful you are people will make fun of you and underestimate you, if u are a women. And it is not just men who do that, some women also participate. I am not sure what the reason is but their lack of knowledge and lack of sense of responsibility is more than enough to discourage the other women.

I would like to share a video which is a trailer of a documentary called Miss Representation.

"The documentary Miss Representation, by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, premiered at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, and aired on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network.
The film explores how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence."

This documentary is an eye opener for everyone. It gives me hope that we are not alone in this fight for justice. I understand that we have many more barriers as we are lesbians but unless we don't fight for our rights being women, how can we expect to win the fight for gay rights.

Today is a start, now is a beginning to rise and fight against all odds. Its never to late to do what you truly believe in. So lets get started with the fight for Equality.

Here are some articles and websites that might be helpful:  

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Evolution......... Revolution

Women.... sounds very simple, just a word which represents us but it isn't just that. Women have evolved with time and changed nations by their strong will and determination. Women..... are inspiration... for music, poems, love and every sweet thing on the planet earth. Have you ever thought, why is it that women have the ability to give birth, to bring life into this world...? Because they are strong, much more stronger than they think. Its not just the physical strength, its the will power and determination that makes us strong.

When we look back in history, we may find things which not only sound disturbing but were terrifying. Female babies being buried alive just because the family needed an heir. Girls didn't have the right to education and were restricted to household chores, were being married at an early age when they didn't even have a clue what relationships meant. They were forced to kill themselves if their husbands died, and still are being tortured and killed for dowry. But at that point we were helpless, couldn't do anything to save ourselves or speak up for our rights. No one thought it was important to take suggestions from a women and what a man decides, is always right. We didn't have the right to work or choose a career.

But things changed, and people evolved, just because we decided that we had enough bullshit and it was about time we let the world know what a women can do. When women started educating themselves, they excelled. When they worked, they made wonders. Today a women can do more than a man can never do in his whole lifetime. This is the reason why men suppressed women all these centuries, because they knew how much potential we have, and that they wouldn't stand a chance against us.

This evolution did not come in a days time, it took years and sacrifices made by several women fighting for our rights. But it isn't over yet. there are still many more rights we need to fight for. I wouldn't expect any man to understand what a lesbian has to go through, just to make a point and to fight for her rights. But I do expect this from all the women out there, coz we all are people and no matter who we are we have the right to live our lives with respect and honor. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not a man hater, I'm just tired of them bossing around and telling us what to do, when they themselves don't have a clue.

This Revolution that I start here is not just for Lesbians, its for women kind. We all stand together in this fight for equality, but at the same time expect that Lesbians will also be treated as humans and be given rights that we all deserve as humans.

The Movies that I recommend are not necessarily Gay but they represent women empowerment, so please do check them out:

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Lesbians = Humans

I would like to ask one question to all the people who believe in religion, who believe in God, who believe in humanity, is it ok for you to just sit back and watch the LGBT community suffer? Is it ok that we kill ourselves in vain and in depression because you think that its against the religion to be gay? Can anyone justify it.

Its just sad and painful that people say things have changed, that we are civilized and have rights but at the same time these rights aren't for the LGBT community. They tell us that we have the right to live and at the same time kill us for who we are. Who gave them the right to decide what's right and whats wrong, who made them God? that they think killing, beating up and bullying lesbian and gay people is the right thing to do.

There was a time when two people from different races or religions couldn't be together, because the society wouldn't except it. Just replace the word "race" or "religion" with homosexuality, its the same story but different characters. People are scared of everything which is different from them, but this cannot be used as an excuse to discriminate anyone. We are society, we people of all religion, race & sexuality combine together to form a society. Its not a decision which can be made by an individual, we as a society make decisions. And no society can say that its wrong to love someone no matter which race they belong to or religion or gender.

Ever since gay  people started coming out, they have been tortured, bullied, beaten up and even killed. Just because we are different??... How are we different, is the color of our blood not red, don't we breathe oxygen, aren't we Humans? What is it that makes us different from any other human. NOTHING..!!!! We are Humans and we all are alike, people don't have the right to judge or discriminate us based on who we sleep with. Isn't it against humanity, that this violent behavior is justified  just because some people think that being gay is a sin. Well its about time these people open their eyes and except the reality.

If there are 2 people who say that gay-ism is a sin there will be 4 people who will embrace themselves for being gay. We are humans and we will fight for equality, we will fight for what we believe in, we will fight for freedom, and we will WIN, if not today then tomorrow.

Say NO to discrimination
Say NO to Bullying
Say NO to Homophobia

Coz we are HUMANS and we have the right to Live and Love.

Movies related to this post:

Thursday, 26 January 2012

To Be Or Not To Be

Hello readers, today's hot topic is "To be or not to be", is it our choice?

Well, if you ask me its not, because we are born the way we are. Some people think that some events in our past and a sequence of misfortune lead us to become gay. But that's not the truth, its just an assumption, a point of view to try and justify why we are the way we are. Why is so hard to understand that its not a byproduct of some things that happened in the past, its who we are meant to be. The only thing is we found out a little late, but at least we know now. A few of my straight friends keep trying to convince me that I'm not gay. Its just a phase and blah blah blah.... but they don't seem to understand that an individual's identity is not a phase. Believe it or not, we were born this way. And I cant blame them for being scared and not understanding us, because people are scared of things they don't understand or they don't want to believe in. They will try and reason with you, call you abnormal, suggest therapy and force you to pretend. The FAQ's by straight people are
  • How do you know your Gay?
  • If you've never been with a man, How do you know you don't like them?
  • Maybe you didn't find the right guy.... ( as if he is the one :P )
  • Were you sexually harassed as a child?
All of them think we are sick or something like that and that's why they try to fix us.... Hello...!! we are not a leaking taps that you're trying to fix us, nothings wrong.... is it that hard to understand...!!
I just try and imagine how things would be, if being gay was the right thing and being straight was a crime (Almost Normal: perfect example). But I'm sure things will change with time and there will come a point were we all are happy being who we are.

Its not a matter of choice, being gay. Nobody gave us options and asked us to pick one (Gay or Straight). We cant choose who to be, but we can be proud of who we are. Many religions say that being gay is a sin, and God will punish us for it. How can this be a sin, how can loving someone be a sin, how can it be a sin to loves God's own creation? People say that our fate is in God's hand, so how is it wrong when we being women love women, when it is our fate. People believe, what they want to believe in, see what they want to see, but why cant they see that love is beyond everything..... its pure and sacred.

If someone asked me to choose between being gay or straight (which is not stupid, as we all know), I would choose to be a lesbian. I would choose women over men.... over and over again. No therapy, great guy, medication, lock down is going to stop me from loving God's greatest creation among all....... "Women".

All those lesbians out there be proud be Happy because this is what we are meant to be.

Movies for this week:

That's all for today ladies........

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Lesbian Interest

Have you ever had the feeling that your alone even when you are surrounded by people, that you are deprived of love even when there are people that adore and love you in every way possible? A feeling of emptiness that surrounds you, wherever you go, and no matter what you do, you cant fill your life with happiness and joy. That's the feeling you get, when you don't really know who you are. This is how I felt for a long time but didn't know what it was or why it was happening to me. But one day everything changes, just like magic and things start to make sense. That was the day when I realized I was a lesbian.

For some people its so easy to just say.... hey Im gay... but Im not sure if they even realize what they are saying. These days being gay has become a fashion, a trend and if not that, then just a way to feel the adrenaline rush in their body. People like these don't realize how much pain and suffering we had to go through to be where we are today ( By we I mean the Lesbian community). On second thought, they don't even have to know,  because when the time gets tough they can get back to their "normal" being and pretend nothing happened. But for all the genuine lesbians its not that simple or easy.

Lesbians have been in existence since the age of dinosaurs ( meaning; since a very long time ), but didn't come out or didn't know what it meant when they had feelings for another women. These women had to keep it a secret all their lives, and whoever stood up or came out to the world had to suffer consequences. Until the late 60's homosexuality was illegal in almost all the countries across the globe.  It was considered a sin, abnormal behavior, taboo, obscene and all the bad things people can think of.  We didn't have any rights or anyone to support us. But eventually things started to change in the early 80's thanks to media. Through movies people started to know that we existed but weren't sure how to react to it. Even in these movies the gay community was portrayed as the villans. Even in books, if a writer had a character who was attracted to a female character in the story, she would either die in the end or would end up with a guy. This portrays the mentality of the people, who can fantasize two women together but cant imagine them staying together happily as a couple. Our community had to struggle a lot for the rights that we deserved in the first place. During these protest many lesbians were beaten up, raped and killed just for being who they are. After all this struggle, pain and suffering we got the right to be who we are, but today's generation seems to be busy sleeping around with people and pretending to be gay. Because of people like these the whole community is judged.

These words might seem harsh but the fact of the matter is that young girls don't realize what it means when they say they are gay. Living in the Indian society they might be quite aware of the narrow mindedness and conservative nature of their parents and relatives. When they know that they don't have the courage to fight the society and stand up for who they are, they shouldn't get involved with anyone. And even worse sleep around with numerous partners and then get married to a guy. The bottom line is, either fight or don't enter the battle field at all.

There are so many things that need to be done, and so many topics to be discussed, which I will in my future posts. But for today I guess this much information is enough. In every post I will recommend LGBT movies which are related to what the post has to say. I hope you enjoy these movies and let me know your thoughts on it.

Movies for today's post are

Friday, 13 January 2012

Burning Desire


I would like to greet the readers of this blog, Welcome !

Normally the first post begins with introductions and stuff like that, but that's not my style. So lets get to the point... the reason why I'm writing this blog..??.. That's the point were we should begin. Its very simple, to spread awareness and gain knowledge about the Lesbian community.

In this blog you will find all sorts of information which can help you take decisions and choose your lifestyle. But its not just about that, its more fun and interactive, which means I would be expecting your participation in helping me out to make this blog a source of information.

Our area of interest would be "Lesbians" and everything related to it. Like movies, Latest updates, health, lifestyle, sex, society and anything that comes in mind. By making this blog I intend to help form a society which accepts us for who we are, which is currently not happening. By joining hands and coming together we can achieve what we want and what we deserve.... To be who we are.

Lesbians..... how do we define ourselves...??..
  • A female who is attracted to another female.
  • A female who has sex with another female.
  • Lesbian is a term most widely used in the English language to describe sexual and romantic desire between females ( Wikipedia)
  • A homosexual Women
Can you identify yourself, with any of the definitions mentioned above?
If you do, then I must say you need to do some more digging in your heart and try to understand who you really are, because just being attracted to a women sexually doesn't make you gay. Its just a burning desire in your heart to be loved by someone who can love you back and pleasure you by all means. Being Lesbian is not just about sex and attraction, its more than that. It has a deeper meaning, more than any word or phrase in the English dictionary has to offer. It is who you are...and if you can define yourself.... then I would love to hear it.

Its clear as day, that we cant define ourselves just by one factor, i.e who we have sex with or who we are attracted to. We will discuss this and much more in my next post.

Till then have fun and embrace yourselves.

Lesbians ;)