Tuesday, 1 May 2012

So What !! ..... Im still a Rock Star

Who am I?? Am I a lesbian...... am I straight.... am I a Muslim... am I a Hindu.... a Christian or a Jew...... Am I white.... African - American....Asian.... Indian... Who am I?? When God decided to send me to earth and be a part of the human society why didn't he ask what I wanted. Why didn't he give me the option to choose who I want to be. Why didn't he let me pick my origin, my race, my caste, my gender? Why? Why did he make these decisions for me. Because God knows what's best for us, he knows what is right and what is wrong. Then who gave the right to humans to decide what is right and what's wrong. Which race is superior and which isn't. Which caste is right and which is wrong. Who made these people "God" to decide that being who we are is wrong and unholy. Money..??.... Power...?? do these things really give you the right to judge someone and make decisions for them. No.. they don't.... they don't give you shit!!

Only God has the power to decide what is wrong and what is right, and if God made us like this then it is not possible that being who we are is wrong. Coz God choose us to be this way, and God can't be wrong. I am a religious and God fearing person and there wasn't a day that went by in which I hadn't thought about what I was doing and if it was right or wrong. Even before I was born, God had planned my life, he had gifted me with family and friends, and choose everything for me, he planned my life and in that life he choose for me to be gay, to be a lesbian, to be a homosexual. And I accept it, I accept what God choose for me. I am not blaming God, nobody can, coz he knows what is right for us and what isn't. This is the reason why Im not going to let any human decide otherwise. Just because some people don't understand why God made us like this, we cant allow them to deny our identity or change ourselves from who we really are. Its not easy to find out who we are in the first place, and on top of that trying to seek approval from our parents, from our friends and from the society is ridiculous.

Ive spent years wondering who I am. Ever since I was a kid I felt that something was missing in my life, something was incomplete and uncertain. I tried hard to find out what it was but failed every time.  I asked God if something was wrong with me, but I never got any answers. I had friends and family who loved me, everything was great but something was missing. What was it, and why wasn't I able to find it. This continued till I was in my early twenties when I found out something bout myself which surprised me. I started realizing that I wasn't interested in men at all. I was unable to love them more than just friends. I started to think.... why? is something wrong with me..?? am I sick..?? or maybe Im just meant to be alone. But soon enough I found all the answers to my questions.... even the ones which I thought would never be answered. I started understanding the reason for my deep interest in women and why they intrigued me so much. Since I wasn't exposed much to the term homosexuality I had no clue as to why I was so attracted to women. So I started thinking and analyzing myself and my feelings. They weren't temporary attractions or infatuations which would come and go. They were feelings which were strong and deep. They were in no way related to sex or lust. They were strong emotions of love.

The instant I came to the realization that I love women and that Im homosexual, everything came to order. Everything started making sense. Being with a women made me feel complete, made me feel loved and that I belonged here. My believe in God grew stronger and stronger each day ever since. I had finally understood God's message and the reason why he sent me here...to love and be loved. It doesn't matter who you love, which cast they belong to, which gender, which society. Just Love and love more coz life is too short to be wasted on hating someone. It doesn't matter who you are, straight or gay, rich or poor, white or black...... love will find you. Once you accept that love is everything and to be loved by someone is the most amazing thing that can happen to you.... you will find heaven on earth...... Like I did.

Movies for this week: